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Friday, September 27, 2013

Why Don't We Build With Living Trees

  Why Don't We Make Our Houses With Living Trees? 

When humans still lived wild we lived from trees and hunted on the savannah while foraging for shellfish and fishing. We were more like bears in that we occupied a variety of environments. We never developed the habit of full hibernation like our bruin brothers so we were forced to face the long dark winters. Let us look for a moment at shelter. It should keep you sheltered from elemental forces such as weather, the sun, and beasts wishing to eat you while you sleep.

Today that meaning has grown to include many new things without ever throwing out the old. Such as the concept of locks and personal security. Shelter is more important then ever but it is time to expand our definitions to include compounds that grow and process our food and energy needs as well. Trees should remain as the centerpiece of our shelter needs. The main difference is I say that we extend our perimeters of shelter to include our food and energy producing cells as well as living space and of course use mostly living trees instead of dead trees.

The story of the Garden of Eden is metaphorical but empirical in its setting. The garden is the correct and original home for Humans. We are designed to tend gardens and domesticate wild beasts into contributing members of our farms and gardens. Animals do not need to be slaughtered for humanity to survive. In the garden all creatures work together for the synergies of the collection. Those creatures that cannot follow the simple rules of who and who not to eat are banished to the wilderness where Nature rules unbridled by humanity and civilized rules.

The orchards of Eden were integrated with the waterways so that all was irrigated by gravity alone. For those that know know that gravity' ultimately fires the furnaces of the sun and keeps the moon and stars in their places. The sunlight would evaporate the water and the wind would collect it in great masses of clouds which would rise again because of sunlight and gravity and then rain would fall by no effort of man at all and the waterways would water everyone and everything without flood. That was the knowledge lost in Eden.

9-27-2013 6_03_29 PM

  Why Don't We Make Our Houses With Living Trees? 

When humans still lived wild we lived from trees and hunted on the savannah while foraging for shellfish and fishing. We were more like bears in that we occupied a variety of environments. We never developed the habit of full hibernation like our bruin brothers so we were forced to face the long dark winters. Let us look for a moment at shelter. It should keep you sheltered from elemental forces such as weather, the sun, and beasts wishing to eat you while you sleep.

Today that meaning has grown to include many new things without ever throwing out the old. Such as the concept of locks and personal security. Shelter is more important then ever but it is time to expand our definitions to include compounds that grow and process our food and energy needs as well. Trees should remain as the centerpiece of our shelter needs. The main difference is I say that we extend our perimeters of shelter to include our food and energy producing cells as well as living space and of course use mostly living trees instead of dead trees.

The story of the Garden of Eden is metaphorical but empirical in its setting. The garden is the correct and original home for Humans. We are designed to tend gardens and domesticate wild beasts into contributing members of our farms and gardens. Animals do not need to be slaughtered for humanity to survive. In the garden all creatures work together for the synergies of the collection. Those creatures that cannot follow the simple rules of who and who not to eat are banished to the wilderness where Nature rules unbridled by humanity and civilized rules.

The orchards of Eden were integrated with the waterways so that all was irrigated by gravity alone. For those that know know that gravity' ultimately fires the furnaces of the sun and keeps the moon and stars in their places. The sunlight would evaporate the water and the wind would collect it in great masses of clouds which would rise again because of sunlight and gravity and then rain would fall by no effort of man at all and the waterways would water everyone and everything without flood. That was the knowledge lost in Eden.