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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Would Jesus Recognize His Church Today?

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...Image via WikipediaIf Jesus were to secretly return to Earth do you think that he would recognize the church he started with his Apostles and placed Simon Peter to be the foundation? I think he would be surprised to learn that this religion is called Christianity a word not even of his language and most certainly not a word existing during his life.

I think he would be horrified to learn that the largest and wealthiest sect of this christian religion is headquartered in Rome and carries that dreadful name -at least from the point of view of one who was crucified by Rome.

Now of course we know that God is omnipresent so he knows of these happenings. But let's us assume for just a moment that Jesus came back as a thief in the night and knew nothing of what had happened during the last two-thousand years. He would be completely surprised by celebrating the sabbath on Sunday.  Good Friday would hang him up since he was crucified on Wednesday at the same time the Paschal lambs were being slaughtered in the temple.

He would tell us that the last supper was not a Passover Seder it was the Eve of Passover and the Eve of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It was just an ordinary dinner where you would eat as much left-over leavened bread as you could since after dinner it would all be thrown out and the house ceremoniously cleared of any leavening. The argument of broken or torn is simple enough old bread leavened or not is broken not torn. it can get pretty hard and that is why it is called a sop. It is leavened flatbread that you sop up the gravy or soup you are eating with it. Christ called it a sop not a cracker and Aramaic has words for both!

So a quick review. Jesus' name was Yeshua in Aramaic or Hebrew, Joshua in Latin, and Jesus in Greek. He was an observant and practicing Jew. Not a Temple Jew like the Sadducees or the Pharisees but a Nazorean Jew also known as Essenes. He was born in a nameless village in Galilee not necessarily Nazareth. That name has been confused with his religion. He was a Nazarene not from Nazareth. Jesus the Nazarene is like saying Omar the Arab, or Moses the Hebrew. One of the markings of a Nazarene on a mission is that they would wear their hair and beard uncut. It was a outwardly sign for others to know that this man was on a mission.

He was probably born around 2 or 3 A.D. Note: I choose to use A.D. Instead of the more modern C.E.. A.D. Stands for Anno Domini or Year of Our Lord not After Death like so many uneducated people have thought for centuries. C.E. Stands for Current Epoch. it is a way to secularist our calendar. But to what avail. Whether it is A.D. or it is C.E. they both describe the same time block and that is measured (supposedly) from the birth of Yeshua bin Yosef somewhere in Israel. Try and secularize that!

The sabbath is on Saturday measured from Sundown the day before to sunset on Saturday. It always has been, that is the way Jesus did it, that is the way that his Apostles did it and so should we. It is mandated by it's own commandment.

Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday and lay in the grave for three full days and three full nights as prophecized by the sign of Jonah who was in the whale's belly three full days and nights. From Good Friday afternoon to Easter Sunday at sunrise is only 36 hours (not even two days). Three full days and nights is 72 hours. If he was crucified at 3:pm on Friday he prophetically could not be raised until 3 days and nights later which would be Monday afternoon. So we should celebrate Easter Monday and not at sunrise but at sunset.
Christ bifrons IssenheimImage via Wikipedia
Based on the gospel of John Jesus was crucified at 3:pm on the Eve of the High Sabbath which was the day of the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened bread which was treated like a Saturday even if it was not. He was crucified on a Wednesday, Thursday was a High Sabbath which is why there would be a rush to bury him before the high sabbath started at sundown. He lay in the grave from just before 6:pm on The day of Passover until sometime after 6:pm on Saturday. If the sun had already set then it would have become Sunday since the Hebrews counted the day as starting with Sunset the day before due to the scriptures in Genesis that state the evening and the morning where the first day.

Mary and the other woman wouldn't have been able to visit the tomb on the Sabbath and so would have had to waited until sundown which would have made it Sunday. So they discovered the empty tomb in the first hours of Sunday but the Messiah was most likely raised just before the sabbath ended on Saturday.

May God Bless You and Yours, PeAce Be With You
Bro. Robert O'Donnghusa

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