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Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting To Know The Kingdom of God

Before we define a kingdom we must first define the King. The word describes The King of Heaven (Our Heavenly Father) sevenfold as such: First, He Is BEing Spirit. Second, He Is BEing a Person. Third, Is BEing Alive. Fourth, Is Being Self- Existent. Fifth, He Is BEing Incorruptible. Sixth, He Is BEing unbound by Time and Space. Finally, He Is BEing All of this at once - unified. "There is but ONE God." These are the seven folds in the Robe of the King of Kings.

God said to Moses when asked his name, "Eh-yeh Asher Eh-yeh", which means I-am Becoming (What) I-Am. It is as if The Lord is saying "I Am This Becoming That."  I Am Spirit Becoming Person. I Am Life Becoming Self-existent. I Am Nowhere Becoming Everywhere - All at Once.

Our World is a Holy Temple fashioned by the Creator of our Universe. God acting as Sovereign consecrates a virginal spot on which to build his temple. Ancient readers would have recognized the meaning of the organization of creation into six divine days would signify that our world was carefully crafted and embedded with order and consideration. God gave his command and the Universe responded with its fulfillment, to which God responded with his inspection and approval. The name for God used by the author of Genesis is the plural of the feminine form Eloha, Elohim.  This translates as The Gods said "Let there be light, and there was light. The Gods (Elohim) saw the light, and they found it to be good. This sounds like Elohim was more the architect and less the craftsman doing the actual work. This leaves the door open for the Demiurge Yahweh doing the bidding of the Most High Heavenly Father.

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