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Monday, August 20, 2012

Saturn Death Cult

Saturn Death Cult – Part 1

Saturn and the rise of the ‘GODS’ industry – the hidden link between global cataclysms, sex magick-blood rituals and guns, oil, drugs and slavery.

The literal and physical journey the planetSaturn has taken from being a brown dwarf star and Earth’s original sun to its subsequent banishment to the outer reaches of our current solar system is the story of the known Ages of Man according to the mythological, esoteric and occult traditions.

This story has become the basis for secretive mystery schools and warped theologies, sex and blood-based rituals and alchemically-driven sciences and arts.  It is the force behind the continuing struggle between those ‘of the Blood’ and those ‘of the Earth’.  It is the conflict between the love of money and the love of justice.  It feeds motives to commit conspiracy to suppress, yet its memory lies hidden beneath our fears for the future.  It is both the word and flesh from the beginning of human experience, the origin of both civilisation and war.  It is the story of the four ages of Man.

The following is a simplified view of myth as history, and history as ritual by way of an intuitive rather than intellectual investigation of the evidence.

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An Introduction to the Four Ages of Man

Worldwide mythologies and esoteric traditions generally talk of a cycle of four ages of Man. (These ages should not be confused with the scientific community’s demarcations of Stone age, bronze age and iron age historical progression.)

Broadly speaking, these traditions split mankind’s experiences in to Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron epochs in the ages of Man.  Today we are said to live in an Iron Age of industry and technology.  Before that a Bronze Age of heroic mythology existed, preceded by a Silver Age born out of the chaos that ended that greatest of ages – the mythic paradise known as The Golden Age.

The Four Ages of Man on the Earth according to the esoteric traditions: The lost paradise of the Golden Age, the priestly Silver Age, the heroic Bronze Age and the modern industrial Iron Age.


The Purple Dawn of Man

Yet, even before this Golden Age in which man enjoyed a tranquil existence devoid of want and bathed in the perfect light of a perfect and timeless sun, there was a primordial dawn of eternal twilight,… a distant age wrapped in a sea of celestial purple radiating a dense and global warmth from a single orb permanently stationed at the far north of the heavens.

To primordial man, this was the time of the Purple Dawn, the Great Dreamtime of our distant past celebrated in the oral and written traditions of ancient peoples the world over.

At that time there was no Sun as we know it today.  There was no way to tell day from night.  No stars could be seen through the dense atmospheric purple haze and there was no moon from which to tell the passing of time by its phases or from which the Earth’s oceans could be influenced in great tidal movements.  Man lived in a perpetual state of dusky darkness.  The warm and bountiful purple hue permeated all existence and the nocturnal thrived.

Like an eye looking onto the world from a swirling purple chaos in the heavens, primordial man would have seen one pale disk of light radiating its benign presence from a position locked at the celestial north pole.  It had always been there,… its presence an integral, yet silently ethereal part of the Earth’s landscape and mankind’s experience.

How the Earth may have looked during the age known as the Purple Dawn (circa 60,000 BC). Saturn can be seen as a pale stationary disk situated at Earth's celestial north. Its rings had not yet formed at this time.

Looking back from today we can identify this primordial sun as a brown dwarf star which would have radiated more energy than bright light.  When taking into account the descriptions that have come down to us from the ancients, we can determin that this particular brown dwarf star typically would have provided a far-reaching heliosphere, or plasma sheath, which extended out into space in a giant egg-like cocoon embrace of the Earth.  This would have uniformly bounced the star’s warm radiation back onto the planet producing the purplish primordial glow related to us by these ancient traditions.

To the Ancients of the Golden, Silver and Bronze ages, this sun-like disk was routinely identified as the god Kronos (Greek) or Saturn (Latin).  It was said to be the original and the best sun.  It was the first sun before the coming of the red star we today call the Sun.  Today, this very same disk seen by the ancients is now firmly established as the actual planet Saturn, a former brown dwarf star and now a distant spot of light at the outer reaches of our current solar system.

The journey this disk-like orb of light took from being Earth’s primordial sun to becoming that distant ringed gas-giant is the story of the known Ages of Man.

From Purple Haze to Golden Days

A Timeless Age in a Purple Haze

The violent flaring of Saturn into a polar sun brought mankind into its fabled Golden Age.  A translucent stairway now reached all the way to heaven, a pillar of auroral light that was the Earth’s Axis Mundi – and with it came death and destruction.

(continued from A Timeless Age in a Purple Haze)

The extreme earthquake activity and climatic changes brought about by Saturn’s sudden increase in radiated energy would also have resulted in the intensification of the invisible electrical plasma currents spanning the distance between the two bodies (called Birkeland currents today and largely responsible for the  aurora borealis).  As a result, there would have been the sudden manifestation of auroral activity at the Earth’s poles, unseen before Saturn’s flare-up, followed by electrical arcing displays into space towards the new polar sun.

An impression of the electrical effects on the Saturn system as its plasma sheath came into contact with the Sun's heliosphere. An intensification of electrical discharges would have resulted in giant inter-planetary electrical arcing with the violent expulsion of a body from Saturn which would ultimately become Venus. Birkeland currents would produce intensified auroral activity on Earth and stretch towards Mars and Saturn producing a pillar-like effect when seen from Earth's surface. Saturn's previoulsy opaque plasma sheath would have started to equalise with the Sun's heliosphere and become transparent. The Sun could now be seen as a dim star approaching from the East. (image not to scale)

Due to Saturn’s polar position in the heavens, a mound of water would have previously formed at the north pole due to Saturn’s gravitational effect (in the same way that the Moon today affects tides, but in a stationary way).  The sudden flaring of Saturn would have disrupted this gravitational pull and released the mound of water where it would have spread out destructively over the northern hemisphere.

A bubble of water held in place by Saturn's gravitational pull would have been released when that gravitational pull was disrupted by Saturn's flaring. The water would then have spread out over the northern hemisphere in a cataclysmic deluge.

Mammoths in a warm tropical-like Siberia caught in the deluge created by the collapse of the water bubble previously held up at the north pole by Saturn's gravitational pull. An intense Birkeland current can be seen amidst enhanced auroral activity. It stretches up to the flaring Saturn as the mammoths' nocturnal world comes to a brightly-lit end.

The extinction of the mammoth: By Charles genenthal

Due to the twisting nature of the Birkeland current connecting Earth with its polar sun, a giant hurrican-like event would then build at the north pole.  Replacing the previous mound of polar water, this swirling mass of plasma would still suck up vast amounts of water into the atmosphere only to send it crashing back down to earth with every future disruption of Earth’s electrical link to Saturn.  The resulting deluges plagued those species living at the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

The twisting and intensified Birkeland current connecting Earth with Saturn would have produced a polar vortex while supporting dense auroral activity around the Arctic circle. The encroaching light from the Sun would add a greener spectrum of light reaching the earth's surface that would have started the process of changing Earth's vegetation to a predominantly green hue. Human's on Earth would have also experienced night and day for the first time.

Add to this a sudden and heavier change in Earth’s gravity due to the electrical changes in the flaring brown dwarf star and you have the first of a series of major extinction events for the larger and now much more heavier species of the planet.  Those unable to adapt to a non-nocturnal environment woud also come under pressure to survive.

At this same time the continued aurora-like Birkeland plasma activity at the Earth’s north pole would have begun to manifest itself into a virtual stairway of light, seen as a tapering beam of translucent light reaching all the way up to the flaring Saturn.

The formation of the Axis Mundi soon after Saturn's flare-up and before the creation of ts rings. The tapering appearance of the Axis Mundi lent itself to the illusion of a ladder reaching up towards the heavenly abode of Saturn.

Taking on various shapes as it fluctuated over time, this translucent connection between Earth and its heavenly godstar would eventually be remembered as Jacob’s Ladder, the Stairway to Heaven and the Tree of Life, amongst other things.

In fact, screeds and screeds of rock art from around the world record the many manifestations of this pillar of light, often in the shape of a squatting stick figure with its arms held aloft (more on this in the next section).

Spiraling ladders and eight-pointed star burst patterns were also featured in ancient petroglyphs.  The Axis Mundi was now established as the dominant feature in ancient skies.


The Appearance of Saturn’s Rings

As the blackened debris that formed the black spirals of the Chaos Monster dissipated (see previous page) a halo of discharged water from Saturn could be seen circling Saturn’s orb and settling into a  series of rings.  These rings took on the look of concentric bands eventually numbering seven in total.  They harken to the account of  ‘Seven Days of Creation’.

(Important Question: Did the ancients know Saturn had rings before the invention of the telescope?  For a study on references to Saturn’s rings in the ancient world, go here.)  In the image of Saturn by Caravaggio to the left, note the encircling vines around the god’s hips.

An artist's impression of the iced water agregates that make up Saturn's famous ring system. (credit NASA)

At about this time Saturn’s formerly impenetrable plasma sheath dissipated as it equalised with the Sun’s heliosphere.  This now allowed the brightest stars in the galaxy to now be seen from Earth.  The brightest by far of these was the Sun, at that time still a distant yet growing light that rose in the East and set in the West.

Though Saturn still shone as its own sun, the arrival of the Sun and its ability to shed light through Saturn’s plasma sheath now meant the Earth experienced the phenomenon of day and night.  Up to nine new smaller celestial bodies could also now be seen orbiting Saturn while the planet’s new rings were now illuminated from the side by the Sun’s more powerful light.  This made them appear as crescents that spun cyclically around Saturn’s circumference when seen at different times during Earth’s rotation.  The result for life on Earth would never be the same again.

Man could now calculate time.

Illuminated by the approaching Sun as a crescent, Saturn's newly formed rings could now be used to tell the time of day. From left to right: Morning; Midday; Evening; Midnight

The Saturnian system was now established.  In the ancient world Kronos now ruled the heavens.

The Golden Age had arrived.

(continue on to The Golden Age)


Remembered by the most ancient of peoples as the Purple Dawn, this was a distant, ageless past before light entered the world.

(continued from Saturn Death Cult – Part 1)

Earth in its distant past is reported by ancient traditions to have enjoyed a stable relationship with a dimly lit sun or star that sat motionless at the celestial north pole.  For cultures in the southern hemisphere the world was a nocturnal haze devoid of all celestial references save for the chaotic voidthat hug above them.

The Polar Configuration

Dismissed by modern astrophysicists as an impossible scenario, this configuration between Earth and its primordial star/sun is nonetheless called a ‘polar configuration’.  It is diametrically opposed to what we observe today in our current sun’s behaviour which rises and sets east to west.  Yet, if we take the ancients at their literal word, a planetary polar configuration with Saturn at the northern top is what they actually saw from their perspective on Earth.

How so?

Based on this ancient perspective we can theorise that the earth rotated on its axis below a star that seems to have exhibited all the characteristics of a brown dwarf star.  Both this brown dwarf star and the earth rotated in unison on their axis while drifting through space locked together, thus producing the illusion from Earth’s surface of the brown dwarf star never leaving its position at the earth’s celestial north.

  • (There is no scope in this website for a discussion on a working physics model for a polar configuration scenario based on what we know in science today – suffice to say that the oral traditions and records of the ancients point to a polar configuration as being their actual experience,… if we are to take them literally.  For a more scholarly overview of the main components to a Saturnian polar configuration can be found here)


Life under a Polar Sun

Governed by this polar configuration the earth would have been enveloped in this brown dwarf star’s plasma sheath, a giant bubble of plasma that is the equivalent of our current sun’s heliosphere.


An artist’s impression of how modern science sees the sun’s heliosphere as a protective bubble. The pinkish froth to the left of the solar system is representative of the creation of magnetic bubbles as the heliosphere travels through space. Credit: NASA


The Sun’s heliosphere is currently believed to serve as a protective bubble around the current solar system shielding it from so-called intergalactic solar winds. (Note: Modern mainstream scientists generally do no recognise the connection between the sun’s known heliosphere and the role played by electrical plasma in space – this is an Electric Universe concept)

Saturn’s protective plasma sheath

With Earth previously being wrapped in Saturn’s brown dwarf star plasma sheath, all the radiated energy and light being emitted from the brown dwarf would have been uniformly reflected back off the plasma sheath onto Earth.  This would have effectively blocked out all other incoming light from other stars and produced a purple-like celestial haze due to the radiation frequencies produced by a brown dwarf star.  Hence the ‘purple’ colouring of what is called the Purple Dawn of man’s ancient past.

In the above figure you can see that Mars has been included.  This is because its presence within the Saturn system is vital in understanding how this Saturnian polar configuration would have looked from Earth.  As a silhouetted dot against Saturn’s larger disk, Mars would ultimately provide the ‘pupil’ to the all-seeing eye that would look down on Earth.

This purple dawn period would have produced an environment of perpetual twilight, with uniform global temperatures producing virtually no wind and there being a complete inability to calculate time.  All continents, including Antarctica, would have supported the continual growth of fantastically elongated and splayed reddish vegetation in tropical abundance.  Adapted through its red colouring to absorbing Saturn’s radiated energy rather than its light, Earth’s vegetation would have enjoyed a complete absence of seasons and this would have contributed to a densely rich atmosphere able to supprt the flight of giant insects that we know once existed.

From orbit, the Earth would have been cast in a darkish purple hue, and its ocean levels would have been significantly lower leading to larger versions of the existing continents as well as the existence of now lost and submerged continents.

Also, the Earth’s then electrical relationship to its brown dwarf star would have produced a different and lesser gravity allowing for the gigantic proportions of some species (now extinct) to flourish.

Earth's nocturnal purple glow and lower gravity during the age of the dinosaurs. A thick atmosphere would have further allowed for the flight of pteranodons and giant insects that we know once existed. Mars can be seen as a dark dot against Saturn's dull disk. (this image represents the Mesozoic age, i.e. 110 -230 million years ago)

How far back into time this state of affairs existed is hard to say, but eventually, a series of man-witnessed cataclysmic events started to change the Earth’s relationship with its brown dwarf star and herald the start of what would become known as the Golden Age.

As this polar configuration of Earth and brown dwarf star drifted through space, it would have done so in an upwardly spiralling motion.  Unbeknown to an observer from Earth, the brown dwarf star’s protective plasma sheath, which blocked out all reference to outside stars, would have slowly started to spiral towards the Sun’s own protective plasma sheath, the heliosphere – with disastrous consequences.

The spiralling nature of the brown dwarf star’s approach to the sun would have meant that first contact between their plasma sheaths would have been relatively brief.  In fact, there may have been multiple contacts into the distant past before the Saturn system was finally captured by the Sun.  This may account for the periodic extinction events in the fossil record as each contact caused Saturn to flare up and die down with marked changes in the relationship between Earth and its northern star.

By the time mankind witnessed such an event, contact would have manifested itself as a sudden and very bright flaring of its polar star into a fully-fledged sun.  Quiet literally, it was a short-circuiting event between the two separate plasma sheaths as they brushed together with the lesser brown dwarf star experiencing a tremendous nova-like destructive surge of discharging electrical activity before swinging away from the Sun and back into interstellar space.

Human observers on Earth at that time would have been totally ignorant of the role played by the Sun’s heliosphere in the reaction they were then seeing take place in their once peaceful heavenly orb.   After the initial blinding flare-up of their polar star the Earth would have been bathed in a diffuse, yet intense light unlike anything they had ever experienced before.  As Dwardu Cardona surmised in his books God Star, Primordial Star and Flare Star, it was Day One of creation – let there be light!

Let there be light! The startling effect on primordial man of Saturn flaring after its plasma sheath brushes against the Sun's heliosphere.

However, the consequences to life on Earth didn’t just stop there.

Flare Star!


The intense flaring of electrical activity experienced between the brown dwarf star on its contact with the Sun’s heliosphere would have transferred itself into its existing electrical connections with the Earth.  Even as the brown dwarf spiralled out of plasmatic contact with the Sun’s heliosphere it would have continued to glow brightly in the Earth’s northern polar sky.

For humans experiencing this on Earth, the brown dwarf star had now become a polar sun that, apart from its static position in the celestial north, was nothing like the dull orb seen in the heavens of the Purple Dawn.  Still less bright than today’s sun, it nonetheless shone bright enough to begin the process of physical metamorphosis’ from a reddish purple hued world to the more familiar green of Earth’s current ecosystem.  This would have started before the Saturn system’s final capture and demise at the hands of the encroaching Sun as it spiralled back yet again inside the heliosphere’s influence.  This would be the event that would mark the end of what had been a golden age after Saturn’s initial flaring.

The birth of Venus

Probably the most disturbing aspect of the changes seen in the former dull disk after its flare-up was the almost immediate appearance of a mighty black spiral coming from the orbs centre and winding itself around the now brightly lit orb.

Mythology tells us Venus was born out of Saturn. The ejection of the planetary body that became known as Venus was a particularly violent result of Saturn's flaring after contact with the Sun's heliosphere.

This was the result of the violent birth of the planet Venus, but to the Ancients this was the Chaos Monster that their new polar sun or god was compelled to battle with at the onset of creation.  It would be remembered in various mythologies as a dragon or feathered serpent and be depicted as the ancient symbol of the self-consuming serpent called the Ouroboros.

Saturn in his chariot being pulled by winged serpents, a popular image in Roman mythology. (image PD)

Saturn battling with the Chaos Monster, that Dragon or Feathered Serpent of world mythology. Enhanced electrical plasma activity called Birkeland currents would appear like a pillar of light leading up to Saturn.

Cultural memories of when Saturn battled the Chaos Monster: (top) Chinese dragons and a central pearl, credit Shizhoa; (bottom left) Quetzecoatl of the Aztecs complete with star burst; (bottom right) Eye in palm surrounded by two serpents - North American Indian.

The iconic symbol of the Ouroboros, a self-consuming serpent that is an archetype of the Chaos Monster that appeared in the heavens after the birth of the planet Venus.

As the transformed Saturnian disk of the Purple Dawn fought to subdue this Chaos Monster it started to take on the aspect of a huge round eyeball with a smallish reddish centre or pupil, a greenish iris and the larger bright part of the disk making up the bulk of the cornea.  It looked alive, and, over time, with the black spirals of the Chaos Monster all but gone, a discolouring could be seen crossing its glowing outer disk while the green hued iris occasionally seemed to produce an eight-pointed star burst emanating from the disk as a whole.

After its flare-up and ejection of Venus, Saturn would alternate between quieter times in which Venus could be seen behind Mars and more electrically active periods in which Venus flared in a distinctive eight-pointed star burst.

Thus the All-Seeing Eye had revealed itself.  The All-Seeing Eye was now the god that would go down in the annals of mythology as Ra/Osaris/Horus, Kronos and Saturn.  Saturn had revealed himself, and in due time so too would his bride the Evening Star, known as Venus, and his Morning Star-child, called by the ancients amongst other names Mars.

The Eye of Horus - a famous stylized version of the Saturn configuration popular in ancient Egyptian culture.

The All-seeing Eye on the US dollar note is the most modern symbolic incarnation of the Saturn configuration.

From Purple Haze to Golden Days

A time of bliss and plenty, the fabled Golden Age of mankind existed for the duration of Saturn’s precarious life as Earth’s polar sun – a position threatened by the unstable nature of the newly-born planet Venus and the encroachment of the Sun and its own planetary satellites.

(continued from From Purple Haze to Golden Days)

While initial contact between the plasma sheaths of both the Saturnian system and the Sun had been catastrophic for life on Earth, it also brought about the impetus for the rise of civilisation and a golden age of exploration.  Time and measure could now be put to use in surveying a world which would give of its bounty freely due to the continued radiating warmth of the flared Saturn.

But that was not the end of cataclysmic events stalking the earth.  What was known as theGolden Age would, in fact, be permeated with catastrophic episodes that would eventually led up to one of the greatest cataclysmic events in human experience – theGreat Deluge.

Under a New Sun

In the time after Saturn experienced its first contact with the electrical influence of the Sun, the new-look Saturnian system spiralled away back into interstellar space.  As noted before, the Sun now could be seen from Earth as a distant light rising in the east and setting in the west.  Intense auroral activity created various permutations in the pillar-like Birkeland current that connected Earth to the northern heavenly abode of Saturn.  Rock art, or petrogylphs, have captured these permutations in abundance and provide a useful view of the celestial sights witnessed by man during this golden age.

The 'pinch effect' on plasmas can lead to a shape that would have looked like a squatting man with arms held aloft in support of the heavens (see pictures below for image of plasma in a laboratory environment). The characteristic rendition of this auroral effect has been etched into rock faces the world over.

Top left: A re-creation of the basic 'squatter man' pinch effect captured in a plasma laboratory experiment. Top right: American petroglyphs with distinctive squatting man images. Middle right: Spanish squatter man. Bottom right: American star burst pattern. Bottom left: American squatter man under concentric circles.

The emergence of totems in various cultures also reflects a heritage going back to the Golden Age when Saturn’s rings appeared as outstretched wing-like crescents atop a glowing ladder.

A speculative impression of the classic totem pole's legacy as representation of the Earth's Birkeland current. The twisting spiralling nature of Birkeland filaments reaching out into space would terminate in a fork-like effect. This is clearly represented in various rock art petroglyphs as depicted in the above right insert.


However, Saturn’s spiral journey through space meant that a return to the point of contact with the Sun’s heliosphere was inevitable for Saturn and its southerly string of planets.  How many times this process repeated itself is unclear, but sufficient to say that each time an approach was made catastrophic events, deluges, global firestorms and massive earth changes could be expected to unfold in both the heavens and on the Earth.

The Golden Age polar configuration of the Saturn system

Though the Ancients would not have perceived this as such, the Saturnian polar configuration now consisted of four planets from Earth’s perspective.  First in line from the northern top of the configuration was, of course, Saturn, itself now surrounded by frozen water rings and orbited by nine small “followers”.  It still glowed brilliantly after its energising contact with the Sun’s heliosphere.

Next in line was the feminine Venus, the Evening Star and bride of Saturn, a planet that would display wonderful streamers of light when electrically excited that were seen as four and eight-pointed star bursts radiating out from Saturn’s centre.  Whether Venus was ejected by Saturn during the first flare-up or had always been there is not fully understood, but the Chaos Monster that had heralded her appearance was a direct result of Venus’ coming to life.

After Venus came masculine Mars, red in colour and seemingly enveloped in the womb of Venus.  Mars was the Morning Star, son of Saturn and viewed as the archetype rebellious hero.  Unseen during the Purple Dawn, the massive electrical discharging betwee Saturn and Mars had obliterated Mars’ atmosphere turning this planet’s surface red.

These three, Saturn, Venus and Mars, formed the heavenly abode, an abode that could only be reached via the heavenly ladder that was the giant plasma Birkeland current that rose from Earth’s north pole, the Axis Mundi of legend.  Earth, the last in this string of planets, was now the humble abode of mere mortals.

Inter-planetary warfare

It was during these times that the Ancients witnessed the beginnings of discord between these godlike planets and began to fear destructive visitations by these celestial bodies.  The planet Mars, the dark pupil in the All-Seeing Eye that was Saturn, made close approaches to Earth along the length of the visible yet translucent plasma current joining the string of planets.  Looming large it would bombard the Earth with its martian rocks and thunderbolts before re-ascending to its position under Venus which would itself flare and stream light in awesome displays of cosmic lightening and beauty.

At least one full-on thunderbolt-laden battle was waged between Venus and Mars during which Mars suffered a great scarring injury that we now see today on its surface as the huge chasm called Valles Marineris.  The warrior god with the scared face had earned his battle honours!

The giant scar of the Valles Marineris on the face of Mars, the result of extreme inter-planetay electrical arcing between a newborn Venus and Mars. Seen from Earth, these terrifying celestial battles have been etched onto the collective memories of mankind in their depictions of Mars as a scarred warrior hero and god of war.

Such episodes were looked on with abject terror by Earth’s inhabitants and probably accounted for various extinction events in the earth’s history due to the destructive effects of these planetary fluctuations and close encounters.

The cause of the Ice Ages

Another curious side effect on Earth due to Saturn’s flare up was the appearance of more dark and densely lit northern aurora effects around the arctic circle, a result of Saturn’s composition being that of a flaring brown dwarf star.  These magnified aurora would act as a dense ring creating a shadow on the Earth’s surface from both the light of the approaching Sun and the northern Saturnian sun.  While the Earth generally still enjoyed a global warmth, this shadow encompassed the higher latitudes of what is today North America, northern Europe and much of Russia (but not Siberia).  The effect was what we know as the Ice Ages and it lasted as long as the Saturnian system maintained its polar configuration.  To a lesser degree, the same effect was seen at the south pole.

A dense auroral ring circled the earth's arctic region casting a shadow across the hemisphere. The resulting drop in temperature along with the increased water vapour caused by the collapse of the arctic mound of water produced vast sheets of ice within the shadow's bounds. Inside the arctic circle the earth's Axis Mundi maintained a comfortable temperate environment where species like the mammoth could still thrive.

Life inside the arctic circle would have been a paradise. The warming influence of Saturn combined with the increasing effects of the Sun served to convert huge parts of Siberia into a lush, green environment perfectly capable of supporting the vast herds of mammoth and other species we know existed within the arctic circle. This paradise would be lost to intense cold once Earth's link to its Saturnian sun was severed.

Also, and largely due to the day/night effect of the encroaching Sun’s equatorially oriented light source, life on Earth under the Saturnian sun began to look different.  Gone was the luxuriant reddish and purple hue of the planet’s fauna and atmosphere now replaced by the more familiar green cast of Earth’s forests and jungles thanks to the different radiation frequencies caused by the flare up.  Deserts began to appear and the oceans started to rise.  More and more distant stars could be seen at night and the various constellations began to take shape.

Saturn and the Axis Mundi at the height of the Golden Age (midday). Auroral activity at he base of the Axis Mundi would have created the illusion of a mountain from which the ladder to heaven ascended. This would be known as the mountain of the gods to most cultures and most famously as Mount Olympus to the Greeks.

The slide towards catastrophe

Gravity during the Golden Age started to get heavier now that two suns shed their energies over the earth, with the planet possible increasing in actual size due to its increased energy absorption being converted into mass (E= mc2).  Massive fissures and cracks would have appeared on Earth as a result with correspondingly dramatic increases in volcanic and earthquake activity.

Eventually Saturn and its family of planets were permanently captured by the Sun with the result that the Sun began to make a closer, yet stable and more regular passage across the sky from east to west.  The Saturnian system’s polar configuration continued to persist with Saturn becoming ever dimmer during the day and starting to take on a sick, blotchy look at night.  The legendary ladder to heaven that was the Birkeland current connection between Earth and Saturn started to buckle and itself oscillate giving the appearance of a decrepid figure now ruling the northern sky.  Already weakened by the various episodes involving the oscillations of Mars and Venus along its length, it was only a matter of time before this inter-planetary plasma current snapped altogether and Earth would be severed forever from the Saturnian heavenly abode.

The catalyst came in the form of the Great Deluge.  Doomsday had arrived.

(continue on to Doomsday!)


The violent flaring of Saturn into a polar sun brought mankind into its fabled Golden Age.  A translucent stairway now reached all the way to heaven, a pillar of auroral light that was the Earth’s Axis Mundi – and with it came death and destruction.

(continued from A Timeless Age in a Purple Haze)

The extreme earthquake activity and climatic changes brought about by Saturn’s sudden increase in radiated energy would also have resulted in the intensification of the invisible electrical plasma currents spanning the distance between the two bodies (called Birkeland currents today and largely responsible for the  aurora borealis).  As a result, there would have been the sudden manifestation of auroral activity at the Earth’s poles, unseen before Saturn’s flare-up, followed by electrical arcing displays into space towards the new polar sun.

An impression of the electrical effects on the Saturn system as its plasma sheath came into contact with the Sun's heliosphere. An intensification of electrical discharges would have resulted in giant inter-planetary electrical arcing with the violent expulsion of a body from Saturn which would ultimately become Venus. Birkeland currents would produce intensified auroral activity on Earth and stretch towards Mars and Saturn producing a pillar-like effect when seen from Earth's surface. Saturn's previoulsy opaque plasma sheath would have started to equalise with the Sun's heliosphere and become transparent. The Sun could now be seen as a dim star approaching from the East. (image not to scale)

Due to Saturn’s polar position in the heavens, a mound of water would have previously formed at the north pole due to Saturn’s gravitational effect (in the same way that the Moon today affects tides, but in a stationary way).  The sudden flaring of Saturn would have disrupted this gravitational pull and released the mound of water where it would have spread out destructively over the northern hemisphere.

A bubble of water held in place by Saturn's gravitational pull would have been released when that gravitational pull was disrupted by Saturn's flaring. The water would then have spread out over the northern hemisphere in a cataclysmic deluge.

Mammoths in a warm tropical-like Siberia caught in the deluge created by the collapse of the water bubble previously held up at the north pole by Saturn's gravitational pull. An intense Birkeland current can be seen amidst enhanced auroral activity. It stretches up to the flaring Saturn as the mammoths' nocturnal world comes to a brightly-lit end.

The extinction of the mammoth: By Charles genenthal

Due to the twisting nature of the Birkeland current connecting Earth with its polar sun, a giant hurrican-like event would then build at the north pole.  Replacing the previous mound of polar water, this swirling mass of plasma would still suck up vast amounts of water into the atmosphere only to send it crashing back down to earth with every future disruption of Earth’s electrical link to Saturn.  The resulting deluges plagued those species living at the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

The twisting and intensified Birkeland current connecting Earth with Saturn would have produced a polar vortex while supporting dense auroral activity around the Arctic circle. The encroaching light from the Sun would add a greener spectrum of light reaching the earth's surface that would have started the process of changing Earth's vegetation to a predominantly green hue. Human's on Earth would have also experienced night and day for the first time.

Add to this a sudden and heavier change in Earth’s gravity due to the electrical changes in the flaring brown dwarf star and you have the first of a series of major extinction events for the larger and now much more heavier species of the planet.  Those unable to adapt to a non-nocturnal environment woud also come under pressure to survive.

At this same time the continued aurora-like Birkeland plasma activity at the Earth’s north pole would have begun to manifest itself into a virtual stairway of light, seen as a tapering beam of translucent light reaching all the way up to the flaring Saturn.

The formation of the Axis Mundi soon after Saturn's flare-up and before the creation of ts rings. The tapering appearance of the Axis Mundi lent itself to the illusion of a ladder reaching up towards the heavenly abode of Saturn.

Taking on various shapes as it fluctuated over time, this translucent connection between Earth and its heavenly godstar would eventually be remembered as Jacob’s Ladder, the Stairway to Heaven and the Tree of Life, amongst other things.

In fact, screeds and screeds of rock art from around the world record the many manifestations of this pillar of light, often in the shape of a squatting stick figure with its arms held aloft (more on this in the next section).

Spiraling ladders and eight-pointed star burst patterns were also featured in ancient petroglyphs.  The Axis Mundi was now established as the dominant feature in ancient skies.


The Appearance of Saturn’s Rings

As the blackened debris that formed the black spirals of the Chaos Monster dissipated (see previous page) a halo of discharged water from Saturn could be seen circling Saturn’s orb and settling into a  series of rings.  These rings took on the look of concentric bands eventually numbering seven in total.  They harken to the account of  ‘Seven Days of Creation’.

(Important Question: Did the ancients know Saturn had rings before the invention of the telescope?  For a study on references to Saturn’s rings in the ancient world, go here.)  In the image of Saturn by Caravaggio to the left, note the encircling vines around the god’s hips.

An artist's impression of the iced water agregates that make up Saturn's famous ring system. (credit NASA)

At about this time Saturn’s formerly impenetrable plasma sheath dissipated as it equalised with the Sun’s heliosphere.  This now allowed the brightest stars in the galaxy to now be seen from Earth.  The brightest by far of these was the Sun, at that time still a distant yet growing light that rose in the East and set in the West.

Though Saturn still shone as its own sun, the arrival of the Sun and its ability to shed light through Saturn’s plasma sheath now meant the Earth experienced the phenomenon of day and night.  Up to nine new smaller celestial bodies could also now be seen orbiting Saturn while the planet’s new rings were now illuminated from the side by the Sun’s more powerful light.  This made them appear as crescents that spun cyclically around Saturn’s circumference when seen at different times during Earth’s rotation.  The result for life on Earth would never be the same again.

Man could now calculate time.

Illuminated by the approaching Sun as a crescent, Saturn's newly formed rings could now be used to tell the time of day. From left to right: Morning; Midday; Evening; Midnight

The Saturnian system was now established.  In the ancient world Kronos now ruled the heavens.

The Golden Age had arrived.

(continue on to The Golden Age)


A time of bliss and plenty, the fabled Golden Age of mankind existed for the duration of Saturn’s precarious life as Earth’s polar sun – a position threatened by the unstable nature of the newly-born planet Venus and the encroachment of the Sun and its own planetary satellites.

(continued from From Purple Haze to Golden Days)

While initial contact between the plasma sheaths of both the Saturnian system and the Sun had been catastrophic for life on Earth, it also brought about the impetus for the rise of civilisation and a golden age of exploration.  Time and measure could now be put to use in surveying a world which would give of its bounty freely due to the continued radiating warmth of the flared Saturn.

But that was not the end of cataclysmic events stalking the earth.  What was known as theGolden Age would, in fact, be permeated with catastrophic episodes that would eventually led up to one of the greatest cataclysmic events in human experience – theGreat Deluge.

Under a New Sun

In the time after Saturn experienced its first contact with the electrical influence of the Sun, the new-look Saturnian system spiralled away back into interstellar space.  As noted before, the Sun now could be seen from Earth as a distant light rising in the east and setting in the west.  Intense auroral activity created various permutations in the pillar-like Birkeland current that connected Earth to the northern heavenly abode of Saturn.  Rock art, or petrogylphs, have captured these permutations in abundance and provide a useful view of the celestial sights witnessed by man during this golden age.

The 'pinch effect' on plasmas can lead to a shape that would have looked like a squatting man with arms held aloft in support of the heavens (see pictures below for image of plasma in a laboratory environment). The characteristic rendition of this auroral effect has been etched into rock faces the world over.

Top left: A re-creation of the basic 'squatter man' pinch effect captured in a plasma laboratory experiment. Top right: American petroglyphs with distinctive squatting man images. Middle right: Spanish squatter man. Bottom right: American star burst pattern. Bottom left: American squatter man under concentric circles.

The emergence of totems in various cultures also reflects a heritage going back to the Golden Age when Saturn’s rings appeared as outstretched wing-like crescents atop a glowing ladder.

A speculative impression of the classic totem pole's legacy as representation of the Earth's Birkeland current. The twisting spiralling nature of Birkeland filaments reaching out into space would terminate in a fork-like effect. This is clearly represented in various rock art petroglyphs as depicted in the above right insert.


However, Saturn’s spiral journey through space meant that a return to the point of contact with the Sun’s heliosphere was inevitable for Saturn and its southerly string of planets.  How many times this process repeated itself is unclear, but sufficient to say that each time an approach was made catastrophic events, deluges, global firestorms and massive earth changes could be expected to unfold in both the heavens and on the Earth.

The Golden Age polar configuration of the Saturn system

Though the Ancients would not have perceived this as such, the Saturnian polar configuration now consisted of four planets from Earth’s perspective.  First in line from the northern top of the configuration was, of course, Saturn, itself now surrounded by frozen water rings and orbited by nine small “followers”.  It still glowed brilliantly after its energising contact with the Sun’s heliosphere.

Next in line was the feminine Venus, the Evening Star and bride of Saturn, a planet that would display wonderful streamers of light when electrically excited that were seen as four and eight-pointed star bursts radiating out from Saturn’s centre.  Whether Venus was ejected by Saturn during the first flare-up or had always been there is not fully understood, but the Chaos Monster that had heralded her appearance was a direct result of Venus’ coming to life.

After Venus came masculine Mars, red in colour and seemingly enveloped in the womb of Venus.  Mars was the Morning Star, son of Saturn and viewed as the archetype rebellious hero.  Unseen during the Purple Dawn, the massive electrical discharging betwee Saturn and Mars had obliterated Mars’ atmosphere turning this planet’s surface red.

These three, Saturn, Venus and Mars, formed the heavenly abode, an abode that could only be reached via the heavenly ladder that was the giant plasma Birkeland current that rose from Earth’s north pole, the Axis Mundi of legend.  Earth, the last in this string of planets, was now the humble abode of mere mortals.

Inter-planetary warfare

It was during these times that the Ancients witnessed the beginnings of discord between these godlike planets and began to fear destructive visitations by these celestial bodies.  The planet Mars, the dark pupil in the All-Seeing Eye that was Saturn, made close approaches to Earth along the length of the visible yet translucent plasma current joining the string of planets.  Looming large it would bombard the Earth with its martian rocks and thunderbolts before re-ascending to its position under Venus which would itself flare and stream light in awesome displays of cosmic lightening and beauty.

At least one full-on thunderbolt-laden battle was waged between Venus and Mars during which Mars suffered a great scarring injury that we now see today on its surface as the huge chasm called Valles Marineris.  The warrior god with the scared face had earned his battle honours!

The giant scar of the Valles Marineris on the face of Mars, the result of extreme inter-planetay electrical arcing between a newborn Venus and Mars. Seen from Earth, these terrifying celestial battles have been etched onto the collective memories of mankind in their depictions of Mars as a scarred warrior hero and god of war.

Such episodes were looked on with abject terror by Earth’s inhabitants and probably accounted for various extinction events in the earth’s history due to the destructive effects of these planetary fluctuations and close encounters.

The cause of the Ice Ages

Another curious side effect on Earth due to Saturn’s flare up was the appearance of more dark and densely lit northern aurora effects around the arctic circle, a result of Saturn’s composition being that of a flaring brown dwarf star.  These magnified aurora would act as a dense ring creating a shadow on the Earth’s surface from both the light of the approaching Sun and the northern Saturnian sun.  While the Earth generally still enjoyed a global warmth, this shadow encompassed the higher latitudes of what is today North America, northern Europe and much of Russia (but not Siberia).  The effect was what we know as the Ice Ages and it lasted as long as the Saturnian system maintained its polar configuration.  To a lesser degree, the same effect was seen at the south pole.

A dense auroral ring circled the earth's arctic region casting a shadow across the hemisphere. The resulting drop in temperature along with the increased water vapour caused by the collapse of the arctic mound of water produced vast sheets of ice within the shadow's bounds. Inside the arctic circle the earth's Axis Mundi maintained a comfortable temperate environment where species like the mammoth could still thrive.

Life inside the arctic circle would have been a paradise. The warming influence of Saturn combined with the increasing effects of the Sun served to convert huge parts of Siberia into a lush, green environment perfectly capable of supporting the vast herds of mammoth and other species we know existed within the arctic circle. This paradise would be lost to intense cold once Earth's link to its Saturnian sun was severed.

Also, and largely due to the day/night effect of the encroaching Sun’s equatorially oriented light source, life on Earth under the Saturnian sun began to look different.  Gone was the luxuriant reddish and purple hue of the planet’s fauna and atmosphere now replaced by the more familiar green cast of Earth’s forests and jungles thanks to the different radiation frequencies caused by the flare up.  Deserts began to appear and the oceans started to rise.  More and more distant stars could be seen at night and the various constellations began to take shape.

Saturn and the Axis Mundi at the height of the Golden Age (midday). Auroral activity at he base of the Axis Mundi would have created the illusion of a mountain from which the ladder to heaven ascended. This would be known as the mountain of the gods to most cultures and most famously as Mount Olympus to the Greeks.

The slide towards catastrophe

Gravity during the Golden Age started to get heavier now that two suns shed their energies over the earth, with the planet possible increasing in actual size due to its increased energy absorption being converted into mass (E= mc2).  Massive fissures and cracks would have appeared on Earth as a result with correspondingly dramatic increases in volcanic and earthquake activity.

Eventually Saturn and its family of planets were permanently captured by the Sun with the result that the Sun began to make a closer, yet stable and more regular passage across the sky from east to west.  The Saturnian system’s polar configuration continued to persist with Saturn becoming ever dimmer during the day and starting to take on a sick, blotchy look at night.  The legendary ladder to heaven that was the Birkeland current connection between Earth and Saturn started to buckle and itself oscillate giving the appearance of a decrepid figure now ruling the northern sky.  Already weakened by the various episodes involving the oscillations of Mars and Venus along its length, it was only a matter of time before this inter-planetary plasma current snapped altogether and Earth would be severed forever from the Saturnian heavenly abode.

The catalyst came in the form of the Great Deluge.  Doomsday had arrived.


A great cataclysm called the Deluge is said to have ended the bliss of the Golden Age.  Saturn lost its position at Earth’s celestial north and Venus and Mars went on a cosmological rampage.

(continued from The Golden Age)

During Saturn’s initial flare up due to its first contact with the Sun’s heliosphere, part of the ensuing chaos that enveloped Saturn had seen two filaments of discharged material escape into space only to be captured by the Sun.  There, for an unspecified time, they orbited their new star until such a time as when Saturn itself eventually became captured by the Sun.

These filaments were primarily composed of Saturn’s discharged particles of water, the remainder having being retained by Saturn to form that planet’s distinctive rings.  In what caused the end of the Golden Age one of these frozen watery filaments collided with the Earth as the Saturnian string of planets was being captured by the Sun.  This precipitated adeluge of water from space that lasted weeks.

Atlantis sank beneath the waves; the great continent of Mu perished.  Earthquakes of unimaginable magnitudes raked the Earth while giant winds scoured its surface.

A painting by Russian artist Leon Samoilovitch Bakst entitled 'Terror Antiquus' (1908). Elements of the deluge that destroyed Atlantis are depicted in this frightening vision of ancient calamity. (image PD)

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Another depiction of an ancient and catastrophic deluge by the painter Francis Danby. 'The Deluge' (ca. 1840) is really a depiction of the biblical flood of Noah but serves to illustrate the enormous effect this archetype of ancient destruction has had on our collective psyches. (image PD)

The Axis Mundi, Earth’s fabled ladder to heaven, was irreparably damaged by this collision and a decidedly sick, blotchy and dimming Saturn was clearly starting to drift apart from its former system of planets.  Severed from their electrical chain-like links to their original sun, the planets Venus and Mars ran amok.  Those on Earth watched horrified as Venus took on comet-like aspects, turning into a Medusa and threatening the Earth with massive inter-planetary lightening displays as it swooped by on its way to finding its new orbit.

The break-up of the Saturnian system: Venus is transformed from beautiful Evening Star to evil Medusa with flowing serpent-like hair, an archetype of the rampaging planet Venus celebrated in art down through the centuries. Earth is overwhelmed by the effects of Venus' erratic behavior while Mars battles the violent Medusa-like Venus. (collage by the author incorporating the works of Duval, Bocklin, Martyn and Caravaggio.)

Planetary Chaos


Mars was no better and constantly threatened to erratically swing by Earth at close quarters while hurling stones and thunderbolts before it.  Some of these Martian meteorites have been found as far afield as Antarctica.

Shergotty meteorite fragment curtesy of Mars. (credit: NASA)

A subsequent series of battles in this free-for-all phase between Venus and Mars loomed large in the heavens and provided the inspiration for much of mythology’s greatest stories.

As if this were not enough, the slowly retreating Saturn, or at least its position in the sky over the Earth, was now being stalked by another player in the grand cosmic drama – Jupiter.

As the Earth suffered under the onslaught of the Deluge from heaven and the Axis Mundi all but disappeared, Saturn began a descent below the horizon.  At this time another bright star was seen to emerge in what had been Earth’s southern skies.  It too was seen to have rings and, due to the increased electrical activity in the region, also sported its own Birkeland current which sent electrical arching displays out into the space around it and gave the illusion to observers on Earth as if this new star were dangling by a rope.  Called Zeus by the Greeks and Jupiter by the later Romans, this previously hidden star seemed to briefly supplant the role of dying Saturn as the dominant force in the heavens.

Jupiter, or Zeus, was one of the Sun's planets. As it orbited into electrical contact with the Saturn system it could be seen in Earth's southern skies seemingly dangling on the end of its own Birkeland current. Faint rings could be detected around Jupiter giving it the reputation of having stolen Saturn's rings. In mythology Jupiter was the son of Saturn who ended up murdering his father and replacing him.

Jupiter is said to have tried stealing the rings of Saturn, an obvious reference to Jupiter’smythological murder of his cosmic father.  That Jupiter was a part of the Sun’s original solar system and acted as a partner in a binary star system is one possible contention.  This system may have been as much disrupted by the arrival of Saturn as Saturn’s system was devastated by contact with the Sun.  With Jupiter then positioned in orbit around the Sun as it is today, though on a different radius, it can be speculated that it eventually joined the fray by gradually swinging in through Earth’s southern skies while on its regular orbit and eventually appearing to come in from behind and below Saturn as seen from Earth.

Another theory says that Jupiter (and the other gas giants of Neptune and Uranus) were always a part of the Saturnian system, but hidden from the Earth on the other side of Saturn.

Either way, mythology indicates that Jupiter seized Saturn’s place and status in the heavens for a time, though Saturn eventually did make a sickly comeback as the reigning ‘Lord of the Rings’ as Earth righted itself after the axis rocking events of the Great Deluge.  However, the old god was dying, seemingly struck with leprosy (a result of increased atmospheric activity on the gaseous former star), and now sought permanent exile at the outer edges of the Sun’s solar system where it remains to this day – a distant pin-prick of light somehow at odds with its reputation as one of mythology’s greatest gods.

With Saturn now drifting off into the outer distance along with its seven rings and nine followers, a cataclysmically shocked Earth now found itself firmly in the grip of its new star, the Sun.  The erratic and dangerous orbits of Mars and Venus continued to threaten the Earth as they too sought orbital and electrical balance within the realm this new sun.  Whole new societies dedicated to tracking these violent entities rose up amongst the Earth’s inhabitants as the survivors and refugees from the Great Deluge fought to rebuild their shattered home world – the Priesthoods were born, and with them the world entered into the Silver Age.

The Silver Age and the Rise of the Bluebloods

The legacy of the Saturn Death Cult and its affect on mankind really begins with the priesthoods of the Silver Age and the rise of the nobility: The Bluebloods

(continued from Doomsday!)

Central to the existence of the new Silver Age priesthoods was the belief that what had destroyed the Golden Age could happen again.  Utilising the new technology of writing, they set about recording the cataclysmic events as the Word to serve as a memory and a warning to future generations.  These warnings formed the basis of secret societies within these priesthoods and preparations were made to ensure survival should Doomsday return.

The advent of writing gave the priesthoods of the Silver Age the technology to keep alive the memories of the cataclysmic end to the Golden Age. As people began to forget how Saturn once ruled the heavens, the increasingly misunderstood records of the priesthoods would become the basis for the beliefs of mystery schools and secret societies down through the ages.

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Second Age of Discovery

A second great age of voyage and discovery ensued in which the refugees of the destroyed Golden Age civilisations determined to take a survey of their transformed world and cosmos and establish through their priesthoods the righteousness and justice they perceived to be the legacy of that former age.  Weights, measures and calendars were established and enshrined by law in a growing network of interlinked temples and monuments that spanned the globe.  The Masonic mystery schools of the great civilisation builders had arrived.

Was Egypt's ancient civilisation a legacy of refugees that had survived the great cataclysm that had brought the Golden Age to an end? Some esoteric traditions trace Egypt's past to Atlantis.


Earth captures the Moon

In keeping with the arrival of the Silver Age and its new Sun, a new silvery marvel could now be seen in the heavens – Earth’s moon.  Captured by Earth in the destructive chaos that was the Saturnian system’s demise, this white globe exhibited crescent-like phases under the Sun’s light that harkened back to the glory days of the Golden Age when Saturn’s rings would be illuminated as crescents surrounding the former deity.

It's a matter of conjecture of when Earth captured the moon. Contrary to popular belief, the moon's heavily cratered surface is actually proof of extreme electrical strike activity due to the craters' almost uniformly perfect circular shapes. Meteorites and asteroids create angular impact craters and rarely hit celestial bodies at perfect 90 degree angles. Electrical experiments do however show electrical lightening producing the same kind of cratering as seen on the Moon. The moon's craters can therefore not be used to date the age of the moon based on meteorite impacts, a rare event in any case throughout human history..

The new moon proved an excellent keeper of time, yet its arrival would only serve to diminish the memory of the original crescents of Saturn and confuse the knowledge

The moon's almost uniformly circular craters could not have been created by multiple meteorite impacts which would have created a majority of angular impact craters. Electrical strikes are a better explanation.(credit NASA)

preserved in the masses of crescent-like symbols established by the priesthoods.  Moon cults began to distort the original intent of these symbols and old knowledge gradually gave way under the weight of new and more confused fertility rituals.

Ominously, the seeds for the more sinister sex and blood rituals that would begin to spread their influences in the ages to come can be traced to the foundation of these early Moon cults.

(Go here for a fascinating look into the electrical features of the moon’s pock-marked surface)


Temples, Priest-Kings and the rise of International Commerce

With the establishment of weights and measures an excitingly new yet dangerously insidious concept began to take hold within the temples of priesthoods – the advent of  the universal language of international commerce.

The driving factor in the increase of trade in the Silver Age was the newly derived notion of money.  At this time money was issued in the form of clay tablet receipts against the production of goods by any given society or people.

Early money started as clay tablet receipts written in cuneiform (above). They were redeemable against the stored goods produced by the issuing nation. Today money is issued as a debt and backed by nothing more than that debt. (credit: The Urartian Tablet PD)

This clay tablet money was measured by and limited to the amount of goods that could be produced and stored in a peoples’ warehouse.  The money was only as valuable as the amount of goods that were actually stored.  This had been a central feature of the laws established by the priesthoods in ensuring equal weights and measures.

However, discoveries in the mining of gold and silver quickly established a link between these metals and the idea of money.  Due to the difficulty in counterfieting these metals, it was realised that gold and silver could act as an alternative to clay tablets being used as money.  This was especially useful when it came to trade between geographically seperated peoples who could not verify other people’s store houses, but who would know that gold as an accepted store of value could not be faked.

The generally useless metal called gold. Once established and enforced as a measure of wealth by the temples then those who controlled the mining and production of gold basically controlled commerce. (image PD)

Unfortunately, this ‘international’ element to trading quickly turned the new gold and silver money into commodities in their own right as each society refused to accept the clay tablet receipts of other societies.  Trade boomed, but at the cost of losing control over regulating the value of the fruits of your labour – that was now in the hands of the gold and silver producers.

The laws established by the priesthoods as a way of ensuring just and equal weights and measures were thus cleverly subverted by the introduction of gold-backed money which was now entirely in the hands of the gold and silver producers. As noted, under this system the people who actually produced useful items like food and clothing lost any control they had over setting the value of thier products – all they could do was price them in gold or silver.

Corrupt elements in the temples quickly saw the advantage in controlling gold and silver as a way of dictating the value of the fruits of everyday peoples’ hard labour.  With it came the transfer of immense power to highly positioned individuals within the increasingly corrupt priesthoods.

As the Silver Age approached its zenith, certain priesthoods quickly consolidated their power via this new money system until all wealth found itself being concentrated in the hands of shrinking minority.  The Temple became this system’s centre of operations, itscentral bank, and this ultimately heralded the emergence of that most insidiously influential of historical characters:  The Priest-Kings.

These Priest-Kings were the original Bluebloods.  In reality, they were nothing more than mere merchant bankers with a monopoly over the aguably usless production of gold and silver.  With the emergence of these temple-based banking parasites the peoples of Earth began to experience a new and most sinister force – debt-based slavery.

It was at about this time that some mothers started to notice that some of their children were going missing.


Origins of the Tower of Babel

The new temple-inspired commerce system proved a pervasive influence.  From the far-eastern realms of the ancient Middle Kingdom and the former Heights of Pan and on through the rich lands of Vendyha, newly established priest-kings steadily accumulated wealth and power.  In particular, certain elements within the Li clan of ancient China were to grasp this new concept of trade financing and expand upon it to establish unimaginable influence over that hemisphere.

Eygpt and Summeria and the surrounding nations particularly came under the sway of this global trade system.  With it, the slave trade flourished due to the need to mine more and more of the yellow metal, particularly in the mines of ancient Eygpt’s Bisharee region.   Soon, gold gained idol-like attributes in its ability to sway the thoughts of men and the love of money steadily supplanted the Golden Age notion of living a just and righteous life.

The tragedy was that all the careful work by the early priesthoods in preserving the memory of a righteous and just Golden Age through a system of laws and accurate weights and measures was now being usurped by this new and easily manipulated system of commerce based on gold-backed money.

The new system of commerce was the merchant bankers’ way of trying to build a man-made replacement for the lost heavenly ladder of the Axis Mundi that had served as the original symbol for the ascent to heavenly authority.


Gustave Dore’s ‘Tower of Babel’ is the popular conception of the Babel legend.  This portrays the story as a building project that was halted when the builders’ languages were scrambled. Instead, the city of Babel was like the financial centre known today as the City of London and its tower was equivalent to the Bank of England. The scrambling of the languages finds its echo in today’s financial collapse with its myriad of incomprehensible and fraudulant financial products.  (image PD)

Under this new system merchant bankers, hiding behind the authority of the temple, would be elevated to a position of heaven-like authority over all commercial activity.  The old established concept of authority as being founded on righteousness and justice was now replaced with the merchant bankers’ debt-based slavery system.

No other place exemplified this more than a place called Babel on the ancient plains of Shinar, the future location of the city of Babylon.  There the central banking temple and its merchant bankers saw their financial authority grow to towering proportions, giving rise to thelegend of the Tower of Babel.

The so-called 'Tower' of Babel referred to the high authority of the central temple which governed the financial system of the city of Babel. If you look closely at the biblical account of the Babel story you will see that it was primarily a city that was being built and which was abandoned. Reference to a city in the Bible generally means a system or way of doing things. (Compare Jerusalem with New Jerusalem and Babylon with Mystery Babylon)


Man-made economic catastrophe replaces memories of planetary upheavals

Of course, as the ensuing ages would show over and over again, a debt-based monetary system eventually implodes under its own debt-laden weight, and the higher you build its edifice, the mightier the crash.  In an age fresh from multiple cosmic upheavals, the peoples of the Earth found themselves experiencing something unique  – a man-made global catastrophe in the form of a systemic economic meltdown.

In this way did the so-called Tower of Babel collapse and the global economic chaos that followed forced whole nations and peoples to go back to their old diverse languages of commerce and trade.  A confusion of different weights and measures now reigned, unsupported by any universal and unifying financial system.

The priest-kings were overthrown and in their place stepped up the men of great renown, the most famous being Nimrod, the Mighty Hunter.  As is always the case in the wake of an economic collapse, a time of tyrants follows.

Nimrod pictured left. The original tyrant, note the Venus star burst he's wearing like a modern wristwatch, except in this case he knew Venus as Ishtar (compare Ishtar symbol at right). Both images PD.

However, deep within the ruins of the now discredited temples of the priest-kings, dark secret societies sought to preserve the concept of debt-based slavery as part of their mystery teachings.  These Illuminated Ones struck a bargain with the Bluebloods, the deposed priest-kings, and embarked on centuries of secret ritual refinement of the alchemical creed of universal dominance through the power of creating wealth out of nothing:  The power to issue debt-based money.

As the Age of Silver drew to a close more children were noticed to be going missing.  On the horizon hovered a menacing figure; the celestial red-painted warrior, Mars.  And with him came the age of heroes and further upheavals.  With him came War and the Bronze Age of Man.

The Bronze Age: Man as God

With the passing of the Silver Age a search began for the perfect alloy of God and Man.  What was once the domain of mighty planets would now be the mythic and heroic exploits of the Bronze Age of Man.  It would be a time when conflict and war would become man’s highest expression.

(continued from The Silver Age and the Rise of the Bluebloods)

A now comparatively calm cosmos presided over the dawn of the Bronze Age of Man.  For the first time mankind could look up into the heavens and see a sky not unlike what we see today.

Complacency regarding the movements of the planets started setting in and man began to look within himself as a means of defining both the past and the future.  The fear of Doomsday shifted radically away from meticulous observation of the planets to a fear of bringing doomsday onto one’s self via one’s own actions.

In this way did the world see the rise of demigods, powerful mythical men and women whose destinies were considered independent of the will of whatever gods had gone before.  The Golden Age meant little in an age where men came to believe they could be a king by their own hand.  The Warrior-King now ruled and assumed the mantel of the Bluebloods who’s power had been declining after the events at Babel.  The age of War as the highest expression of man now held ascendancy with art and literature embracing the theme of the individual’s will to power as the essence of a new Heroic age.

However, Mars and Venus were going to have at least one last word on who really did determine the rise and fall of kings and kingdoms.  Rivers would run red, locusts storms would strip the land, frogs would breed like rabbits and first-born children would suffer statistically improbable rates of death.  Worst of all, slaves would feel free to throw off their master’s yoke and an old idea of what constituted righteousness and justice would re-emerge.   Though a promising beginning for this new breed of Bluebloods, the Bronze Age of Man was not going to be a total picnic those warrior-kings who would be their own and everybody else’s masters.

Mars and Venus continue to threaten the Earth

The first clue as to what awaited the inhabitants of the Bronze epoch could have been deduced from the fate of a little-known city-state that enjoyed a certain specialised agricultural monopoly.

Courtesy of the rise of agriculture near the end of the proceeding Age of Silver, some plants had been found to exhibit desirable properties other than nourishment.  Though this would have been known at a local level for millennia, it wasn’t until the advent of concentrated farming that the commercial potential of these certain plants could be realised.

A Turkish poppy. Credit: Mark Nesbitt and Delwen Samuel

Chief amongst these was the now infamous poppy plant, a flower capable of transporting those who indulged in its juices into blissful myopic trances free of all lingering doomsday anxieties.  And the city-state that enjoyed a monopoly in the cultivation and distribution of this highly addictive drug?  Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sodom and Gomorrah was, in its day, the Afghan opium fields, the Golden Triangle and the British East India Company rolled into one.  Its product was known as the Grapes of Gomorrah, to others as Wormwood, and a certain Jesus Christ would himself one day be offered its numbing comfort as he hung dying in agony on a Roman cross.  Forget the stories of its sexual depravities and deviant proclivities, this town was an efficient drug dealing operation second only to the CIA – and its market at the beginning of an increasingly immoral Age of Bronze was only getting bigger.

Quite naturally, Sodom and Gomorrah’s opium trade had proved remarkably recession proof in the aftermath of the Tower of Babel economic debacle.  Under such circumstances people just wanted to forget, kick back and get out of it.  Opium has a excellent capacity to help you do just that and its addictive properties ensured a ready supply of willing debtors to the temple-based merchant bankers who had survived the fallout from Babel.  Due to its burgeoning wealth and influence as a result of the trade of opium, Sodom and Gomorrah proved a robust economic model perfectly capable of stepping into Babel’s shoes.  It quickly became a magnet for drug traffickers and money lenders all over.

One such trader and his friend, however, would soon find themselves unwilling witnesses to a new onslaught of interplanetary skirmishes with dire consequences for the now flourishing Sodom and Gomorrah economy.  In what would be the beginnings of a series of terrifying reminders of what still was the most potent force in determining the future of mankind, Sodom and Gomorrah suddenly ceased to exist!  In one night, the drug dealing capital of the Old Testament world was completely obliterated in a way that would haunt kings and paupers alike and scar for evermore the psyches of those who would do naughty things in public toilets.

The trader and his friend mooching about their business in and around Sodom and Gomorrah were a certain Lot and Abram.  Lot got out just in time thanks to a warning from Abram who seemed to have had prior knowledge of what was coming down on the city.  On the way out, Lot’s wife unwisely took a look back at the rain of carnage annihilating the city and reportedly, as the expression goes, froze into a pillar of salt in sheer terror at the sight.  A massive interplanetary arcing bolt of plasma vaporising the earth clean at its white-hot point of contact will do that to you.

A John Martin painting that captures the carnage inflicted on Sodom and Gomorrah. (image PD)

Or maybe it was the spectacle of an out of control Mars or Venus unexpectedly looming large in the night sky while indiscriminately pouring giant electrical flames on to the earth that did it?

In any case, Earth had just been given another reminder that Venus or Mars (I’m not sure which one for this particular event) still had the capacity to turn up at inconvenient times.  The upshot was that Sodom and Gomorrah was gone and warrior-kings the world over now had a whole new set of problems to deal with, the least of which was that the various people under their control were demanding that they do something about it.

But what to do?  Enter our old friends the priest-kings, the original Bluebloods.  They had an interesting solution for these warrior-king upstarts – a set of sexy rituals designed placate the angry gods that would consolidate power over the people.  Except that they weren’t sexy at all,… because, since the end of the Silver Age, these rituals had degenerated into truly frightening ceremonial gang rapes complete with the sexual debauching of children and babies followed by their actual agonising murder.

The Saturn Death Cult begins

They called it a kind of sex magick.  Within the hidden secret societies and mystery schools from the previous age, the mythologies and legends recording the actual planetary events of the Golden Age had been distorted into literal humanistic dramas.  These dramas were then to be physically re-enacted out as ritual by those aspiring to own the legacy of Saturn’s power and authority as creator.

Under this scenario you can pick out any number of warped sexual patterns within mythology and turn it into perverted sexual satisfaction masked as ceremony:

  • Rubens' depiction of Saturn devouring his own children. Some human kings have been accused of trying to emulate this act, though no real public evidence of this exists. (image PD)

  • Old-man Saturn takes young Venus as a bride in the myths, so on Earth the king takes a virginal (read ‘child’) priestess of Aphrodite (Venus) and has sex with her.

  • Mars is the warrior god born of Venus who rebels against Saturn and ultimately ascends to heaven to have sex with his mother, so warrior-kings find themselves doing the same thing in defiance of their fathers (check out King David’s son Absalom in the Bible).

  • Saturn, under his Greek identity as the god Kronos, devours his own children,… so human kings have reportedly done the same with human children, possibly even their own as the occasion demands. (see the suspected antics of one Caligula)
  • Jupiter/Zeus determines to take Saturn/Kronos’ crown by gutting him to release his previously devoured sisters and brothers from Saturn’s bowels.  Zeus then promptly marries his sister Hera.  Naturally, earthly kings follow suit and end up marrying and having sex with their sisters – moronic inbreed heirs ensue and today we can see the legacy of this policy within our various political elites.

. . . And so on. . .  Ritual sex act after ritual sex act, blood sacrifice after blood sacrifice, ritualistic act of cannibalism after ritualistic act of cannibalism.  The Silver Age’s need to record actual cosmic events as mythic records to ensure Doomsday lessons would not be forgotten was eroded into what became a sex-ritual control mechanism.  This mechanism could be seen as the first applications of shadow government-sponsored mind-control programmes.  They were designed to reduce once-proud warrior-kings to the role of sex-puppets in an insane attempt to imbue a supposed elite class of people with the authority of Saturn as cosmic lord and creator.  Power politics on Earth had taken a nasty turn even as the planets Mars and Venus continued to menace the population’s existence.

It’s almost impossible to contemplate what these Bluebloods were thinking of in their belief that disgusting and perverted rituals could alter the physical courses of physical planetary bodies.  However, it seems this toxic nonsense was now a worldwide phenomena.

Human sacrifice goes global

In the New World the elites of the AmerIndian nations practised horrific variations on these same themes on the great stone pyramids and temples still standing there today.  Lesser American tribes, complete with their totem representations of the Axus Mundi as backdrops, did the same thing with the lesser resources at their disposal.  The result was still a very unpleasant experience for their unfortunate victims.

Detail from the Codex Magliabechiano depicting human sacrifice in the Americas. (image PD)

South Seas peoples routinely practised ritualised cannibalism as part of their royal and military etiquette even up to within recent memory.  The Phoenicians were notorious for their child sacrifices, revolting even the hard-bitten Romans by their practices.  Even Israelite kings in the Bible reputedly threw their first-born into fires in self-serving ritual acts of sacrifice.  European pagans indulged in macabre human sacrifices of war prisoners and possible acts of cannibalism to mark cosmic events while certain African tribes refined painful mutilation ceremonies involving child deaths.

Enter the Hebrews

However, there was one class of people that didn’t necessarily see the raids of Mars and Venus as the acts of gods but, (and here is the subtle difference) they rather viewed such cosmic events as the righteous manifestation of the one true God’s anger and justice.  On its next flyby, Venus was to give these people the impetus to break free from a state of national slavery and establish a nation under a one true God.

The Exodus of Israel out of Egypt would be marked by yet more cataclysmic events resulting in multiple falls of once powerful warrior-kings in a number of nations – most prominently that of Egypt, the kingdom born out of the arrival of refugees escaping the cataclysm that had sunk Atlantis at the end of the now distant Golden Age.

The story of the Israelite Exodus out of Egyptian slavery is replete with references to what can only be described as the effects of yet more cosmic interactions between planetary bodies.  It’s been postulated that the famous ten plagues of Exodus and the parting of Red Sea were the physical gravitational effects of a close pass by Venus on its violent and erratic path to its present day orbit.  As far as the Israelites were concerned the highly convenient approach of Venus was a result of divine timing on the part of their deity.  They made no reference to the planet in their writings, only to the power of their god.

Whatever one’s take on the causes of the Exodus, the Israelite interpretation of events marked a full-blown revolution in the way people perceived cosmic upheavals as an expression of God or gods.  Instead of attributing the actual bodies involved with god-like status, the Israelite way of thinking was to identify cosmic upheavals as evidence of a one true God’s power.  Under this interpretation, the planet Saturn was not the actual Creator, but the tool of the one true, yet still hidden Creator.  And so too were the subsequent actions of all the other planets involved in the great cosmic dramas since the Golden Age.

The next leap forward in the Israelite train of logic was to conclude that the actual physical events in the cosmic upheavals of the Golden Age as well as those in their own age were actually nothing less than the one true Creator’s first actual communication or message to mankind.

Moses redefines natural events as the Word of God. (painting by Rebera, image PD)

According to this train of thought, the physical effects of interplanetary upheavals were of no divine consequence unless one could discern and understand the intrinsic message being communicated by such events.  Cosmic upheaval and interplanetary disturbances were now viewed as the divinely communicated Word of the Creator, or the Logos of the Creator.

The conclusion was simple and very monotheistic:  Work out the message behind a series of essentially natural events and your were effectively understanding and communicating with the Creator.  You would subsequently be able to understand the Creator’s motives and the Creator’s objectives.  Under this methodology, a careful observer of the consequences of the Creator’s actions in nature could then proceed with the sure authority that they were acting in the best interests of the Creator’s plan for the future of his Creation.

In essence, what the Israelites represented was a rediscovery of what the Priesthoods at the beginning of the Silver Age had tried to institute through the careful recording as mythology of the cosmic events witnessed during the Golden Age.  Stated again, through the construct of mythology they had hoped to impress upon future generations an overall message with warnings on how to avoid another Doomsday scenario.

Ritual as validation of the elite

To the warrior-kings and the elites immersed in the performance of rituals, this concept of direct communication with the divine by simple observation and understanding of natural events was simply intolerable.  They were the arisocracy of purpose and their purpose in life was to perform rituals on behalf of humanity.

Only through carefully staged re-enactments by chosen human representatives playing out the actions attributed to the gods could the path to true enlightenment and the comprehension of any hidden message be attained.  The grander the ritual, the loftier the temple, the more likely you were to experience its hidden message.  The expense of this alone meant your average Joseph didn’t have a hope in hell of staging a descent ascent to enlightenment.

And that’s just the way the elite liked it.

Enlightenment was not something to be taken lightly, and it certainly shouldn’t be available to the great unwashed.  You simply could not have a whole nation of people thinking they were able to make individual judgements based on the simple observation of events or the study of written reports on such events.  That would mean everyone would have the potential to understand the motives and plans of the supreme Creator.  Who would be special and elite then?

No!  Slamming on with ever more complicated and outlandish rituals was the only way to seriously maintain the true path to Golden Age-type enlightenment, and the best way to do this was to ensure that every nation adopted the warrior-king model of elite government for and by the elite.  ‘Guy-in-charge’ was the only acceptable order of nature in the minds of those elites who were, funny enough, the guys in charge.

And that’s where Israel found itself going wrong (genocidal campaigns of conquest aside – which is another story) .

Israel rejects its God, chooses a warrior-king

Under warrior kings it doesn't take long before people are doing this kind of thing. (Biblical image of offerings being made to Moloch - image PD)

Israel became corrupted.  They took their eye of the ball and looked around to see if there was anything more exciting than the dreary headache of studying the Word.  Maybe there was a sexier way of gaining an understanding of the mind of God?

Bored with trying to understand God’s messages within Creation, Israel decided it wanted a warrior-king of its own to do the understanding for them.  It got one, and within about seven generations they were ritually sacrificing their first-born into the fires of a pathetic owl/bull god called Moloch.

(see here for an interesting article on modern Moloch worship)


Babylon and The Love of Money

The Saturn Death Cult would first come to public pre-eminence in ancient Babylon.  There it learned one vital lesson in the pursuit of true power – control the issue of money.

(continued from The Bronze Age: Man as God)

The link between drugs and war

During the early part of the Bronze Age of Man a less than heroic pursuit dominated the development of trade in the ancient world.  The insidious trade in opium had regained its footing in the Anatolia region where a bunch of warrior-kings were acting like modern day drug cartels warring over who should control the lucrative trade routes between Asia and the Western kingdoms.

The most powerful cartel was called the Troy Cartel, but it was being seriously challenged by the upstart Agamemnon Cartel.  The battle lines were drawn and the ensuing narco-warengulfed the region for the next ten years.

Agamemnon, the first of a string of regal drug dealers down through the centuries. (image PD)

The war only came to an end as a result of another planetary intervention, probably the same one that had allowed the Israelites to get out from under the Egyptians.  However, the key development coming out of this conflict were the sudden advancements being made in weapons manufacture.  New technologies allowed for greater kill ratios and certain Illuminated Ones quickly realised the value in promoting an arms trafficking industry as a means to ensuring ever higher body counts for their ongoing blood-sacrifice rituals.

The penny had dropped!

War as an expression of blood sacrifice was the new trend.  An industry started to grow around the concept with the development of military technology being a feature of the West, while a concentration on the Art of War through strategy characterised the Eastern approach.  Both resulted in the same thing.  People got killed and the blood flowed.

For the Bluebloods and Illuminated Ones of the various occult secret societies and mystery schools, everything was now as it should be.  The warrior-kings were happy, the lawyers and scribes charged with institutionalising the various rituals were happy, as were the growing merchant class that was making a comeback after the Babel meltdown.  The slaves were worked and the people were taxed.  And the victims of the seemingly endless rituals sustaining this happy state of affairs?  They were neither happy or unhappy – they were dead!

One-on-one duels like the one pictured here between Achilles and Hector became passé as far as adherents to the Saturn Death Cult were concerned. Painting by Theofilos Hatzimichael (image PD)

The Saturn Death Cult and monetary control

Roughly six hundred years after the cosmic events at Sodom and Gomorrah and the Exodus, even the sporadic marauding runs by the planets Mars and Venus seemed to have come to an end and all seemed well. . .

But something was missing in the greater scheme of things as far as the Illuminated Ones were concerned.  They were still hankering for a return to the debt-based slavery system ofBabel as the core economic model for mankind.  A tweaking of strategy had to be carefully considered if they were to have total control over the affairs of man.

While war had already been a source of blood-soaked satisfaction for the elite’s ritualistic needs, it was in the actual promotion of increasingly more contrived and barbaric wars that certain Illuminated Ones found an answer to killing two birds with one stone (pun intended).

Since the time of the Trojan narco conflict it had been recognised that the casualties of war could be exploited for ritualistic satisfaction.  But, to date, capitalising on these deaths had only been opportunistic at best.  The key to a consistent supply of guaranteed bloodshed was to be found in the notion of warfare being an ongoing manufactured-to-order enterprise – and that would require money.

As a result, and galvanised into action by promises of expanded material wealth and power, a rash of warrior-kings made their first manipulated, yet bloody steps towards the concept of Empire.  Carefully selected dates in accordance with now well established blood rituals were chosen for them to initiate multiple wars of conquest.  The happy result of these wars, as anticipated by the illuminated powers, was the immense scaling-up of their blood-sacrifice needs while their warrior-king puppets sank ever deeper into financial debt.

The equation was simple:  War needs money, and borrowed money to pay for wars equals debt.  Debt = Slavery! If a kingdom could be manipulated into accepting debt, then that would make it a kingdom of slaves.  The power to enslave whole kingdoms was in being the one who was owed that debt.

However, this was only guaranteed if you controlled the issuance of the money borrowed by the warrior-kings in first place.  In the Near East, at a place called the plains of Dura, some highly positioned and privileged Illuminated Ones got busy.

Babylon, the financial centre of the ancient world. This image by an unknown artist shows the two real-estate projects most associated with Babylon, its Hanging Gardens and the infamous Tower of Babel. (image PD)

The financial rise of Babylon

The warrior-king of a growing city state called Babylon had recently enjoyed a series of spectacular conquests.  Babylon was now an empire and its own cadre of mystery schools and secret societies held great public influence and renown.  Through their overt ritual-based control of the warrior-king Nebuchadnezzar these Illuminated Ones conspired to erect a Golden Image that would dominate the plains of Dura.

Essentially, this was the world’s first financial gold standard and Dura was Babylon’s answer to the modern Federal Reserve System of the United States.  Anybody not adhering to this gold standard in matters of trade and commerce within Babylon was to be ruthlessly exterminated by a fiery death.  The temples once again started to issue money as a debt on their own behalf against this new gold standard.   These same temples, controlled by the Illuminated Ones, quickly became rich and great public ceremonies celebrating the success of the new financial system was only marred by a mysterious upsurge in the disappearance of Babylonian children.

The almost forgotten Israelites, their own warrior-king experiment such a dismal failure that they were now captives of the Babylonian empire, had a serious problem with this golden image. (see the Bible’s Book of Daniel, chapter 3)

The Biblical prophet Daniel, one of the main Hebrew adversaries to the establishment of a financial Babylonian gold standard. (image PD)

Their understanding of commerce and trade denounced the issue of money as a debt as being nothing more than criminal usury, an abominable practise according to their own priesthood who had somehow survived the depravations of their own warrior-kings and corrupt secret societies.  These Israelite priests organised a financial boycott of the new financial system and the Babylonian gold standard started to fall apart.

The Illuminated Ones of the Babylonian mystery schools never forgave the Israelites for their stubborn refusal to bend to the dictates of Babylon’s gold standard.  They plotted a vicious revenge against these former slaves from Egypt only to be thwarted at the time by the more pressing needs of dealing with the arrival of deadly Persian warrior-kings and later a rampant Greek demigod by the name of Alexander.

The fall of Babylon – the Saturn Death Cult goes underground

Babylon fell,… quickly, its great gold standard experiment nipped in the bud.  In one night Babylon ceased to be its own master and its Illuminated Ones joined their Israelite nemesis’ as fellow captives in their own city.  Their Golden Image now laying in ruins, the remnants of Babylon’s secret societies and mystery schools melted away into the desert night to be reborn as Mystery Babylon.

Standard of Babylon's conquerors, the Persians. Note the sun-like disk above the falcon with outstretced wings - the symbology was starting to get predictable. (credit: Sodacan)

Banished into an economic and political wilderness, they determined never to have their ambitions exposed to the harsh light of public scrutiny again.

Casting their eyes elsewhere for a new home, Mystery Babylon soon settled its gaze on a new and frighteningly iron-willed people who were starting to make their presence felt.  Carefully, they drew their plans, gathered their wares, and moved to Rome – the Iron Age of Man was about to begin in all its terrifying darkness and luxuriant decadence.

(continue to Saturn Death Cult – Part 2)



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